Astrology & Tarot Insights for March 2025

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for March. They discuss the Venus Retrograde that begins the month, and how it overlaps with the Mercury Retrograde that unfolds a few weeks later. They point out how as it etches a zodiacal sphere that Saturn and Neptune will soon traverse, it may point us towards lessons of inspiration and embodiment that we may discover over the next year-plus. They then turn their attention to the Virgo Lunar Eclipse and Aries Solar Eclipse, speaking about what each may usher in. With a shout-out to the four cazimis (of Saturn, Neptune, Venus, and Mercury) that occur during March, they give a short description of what each may invite. Finally, they speak to some astrotrends that we may collectively be open to as Neptune moves into fiery Aries after its 14-year residence in boundary-blurring Pisces. Stephanie picks a tarot card at random, the Magician, and Megan explains how this tarot archetype not only represents new beginnings and encourages mindfulness, but also symbolizes the potential to further architect the form that we give to our lives.

Astrology & Tarot Insights for February 2025

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for February. They start by discussing the magical union between Venus, Neptune, and the North Node in Pisces that ushers in the month, which could have us feeling swept away in an ocean of emotional, romantic, creative, and spiritual inspirations. They discuss how Jupiter stationing direct soon after may bring opportunities for big conversations, expansive understanding, and rapid-fire messaging. As they speak about the Leo Full Moon, and how it makes a square to expect-the-unexpected Uranus, they note how important being open to new ideas and innovative ways of orienting may be. Their conversation then turns to Mars ending its two-plus month retrograde cycle and how we may find ourselves tapping into the desire to pursue our aims using the emotional awareness we’ve recently accessed. Stephanie chooses a tarot card at random--the Ace of Swords--and Megan explains how this powerful Ace offers new clarity and fresh inspiration to align with and pursue what is most essential to us.

Astrology & Tarot Insights for January 2025

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for January. They begin with a brief overview of the major planetary shifts happening in 2025 and how the wave of new energy could shape the collective zeitgeist. They discuss the potent, powerful, and potentially explosive Mars/Pluto Opposition—the second of three—and how it could stimulate deeper desires and trigger the need to be in control. They talk about the Sun/Pluto Conjunction in Aquarius and how it carries strong themes around freedom, individuality, and a unifying consciousness. They discuss the Lunar Nodes shifting signs, from Aries/Libra to Pisces/Virgo, and how it may connect us with empathy, healing, and transcendence. They also explore the lunations for January, the Cancer Full Moon and Aquarius New Moon, and how each may influence our daily rhythms. Stephanie chooses the tarot card for the month at random—the Queen of Cups—and Megan explains how this soulful and compassionate Queen offers a safe harbor to explore our deepest feelings as well as a knowing that in one's sensitivity resides great wisdom.

Astrology & Tarot Insights for December 2024

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for December. They begin by discussing some signatures of this new Pluto-in-Aquarius era as well as how it’s part of a significant cosmic shift being ushered in with numerous planets changing signs next year. They talk about the Mars Retrograde in Leo that gets underway and how it invites us to not get ahead of ourselves, notably in regards to our creative desires. They explore what may arise given the interplay of the  Neptune station, Sun/Jupiter Opposition, and Venus/Pluto Conjunction, the latter which Stephanie digs into with passionate insight. Noting that the Gemini Full Moon takes place on the same day as Mercury stations direct, they reflect upon how it’s an important moment to pay attention to communication as well as to moving at a pace that is support of our nervous systems. And no discussion of December would be complete without surveying the Solstice, which they do while also noting the sea change that occurs as the Sun shifts from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Stephanie chooses a Tarot card for the month at random--the Ace of Wands--and Megan explains how this fiery archetype can ignite our passion for rebirth and authenticity. 

Astrology & Tarot Insights for November 2024

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for November. They note that this month is one for the history books, sharing how the planets are reflecting the current gravita. They point out how Pluto is finally leaving Capricorn, after a 16-year run in this sign of societal institutions, to enter Aquarius mid-month. As it stomps through its final tenure in this sign, it also accords with the crescendo of the U.S. Pluto Return, since the Declaration of Independence was written when Pluto was last in Capricorn; this illuminates the bouts of reckoning this country is moving through—as witnessed with the U.S. presidential election—that are further exposing the strength of its constitution and Constitution. They share additional reasons that November unveils with such intensity including the month-opening emotionally driven Scorpio New Moon followed by the dynamically explosive Mars/Pluto Opposition. They talk about a tricky mid-month duo of alignments: how the Uranus-charged shake-it-up Taurus Full Moon occurs at the same time as we’re invited to go slow and honor the rules thanks to the Saturn Station. They then discuss some ways to orient to the Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius that caps off the month. Stephanie chooses a Tarot card at random—the Queen of Pentacles—and Megan explains how this deeply rooted-earth queen can inspire us to find abundance in all aspects of our lives. 

Astrology & Tarot Insights for October 2024

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for October. They start by discussing the Libra Solar Eclipse that occurs as the month begins and how it invites us to reflect upon the themes of relationship, truth, fairness, and harmony. With the Eclipse connecting to messenger Mercury, they note that while we’re galvanized to discuss, share, and learn, it’s important to be discerning when it comes to information gathering. They highlight how with both expansive Jupiter and dig-deep Pluto stationing within days of each other, we’re apt to experience big reveals and a desire to unearth that which has been hidden. They speak about this with a nod to the concept of the “October Surprise”—the potential for a news event to spark shifts in the political landscape—noting that whether movements happen in the world and/or in our personal lives, this month yields promise for significant transformation. They discuss the activated Aries Full Moon and how since it weaves in connections with both Mars and Pluto, we may find ourselves needing to move through conflicts to champion what we truly desire. Stephanie chooses a Tarot card at random--the Chariot--and Megan explains the beautiful synchronicity of this card and how it encourages us all to go after our dreams. 

Astrology & Tarot for September 2024

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for September. They note that we're just coming off last month's Mercury Retrograde and so it's important to still be extra diligent with communication.. They share how this month begins with Uranus stationing retrograde, bringing more shake-it-up energy into our midst; topics such as freedom, innovation, creative chaos, and surprises may be prominent. The very same day, Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn for one final volley before it moves into Aquarius on November 19 for a 20-year residence. They discuss the upcoming U.S. elections, sharing some insights into the candidates' astrology. Last but not least, they talk about the beginning of Eclipse season with this month's Pisces Lunar Eclipse, an invitation to dive into our watery and soulful energies. Stephanie picks a Tarot card at random--the Ace of Cups--and Megan explains how this this card offers rebirth and cleansing from our emotional past.

Astrology & Tarot for August 2024

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for August. They begin with a review of July's astrologically explosive month, and how ultimately certain invitations played out in surprising ways. They talk about how with the Leo New Moon and Mercury Retrograde occurring on the same day we’re called to balance diligence and self-expression. They discuss the “mutable melody" mid-month, which involves a planetary square dance between Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and Venus. Among the themes that could be amplified during this period are restriction vs. expansion and how freedom can be accessed through having integral limits. They discuss the Aquarius Full Moon, and how with a square to Uranus, the energies could manifest in surprises, rebellion, originality and the clamoring for freedom—a striking alignment that aligns with the U.S. Moon and happens to occur on the first day of the Democratic Convention! Stephanie picks a tarot card at random--the King of Pentacles--and Megan explains how this wise and grounded King is a welcome presence in these chaotic expect-the-unexpected times.

Astrology & Tarot for July 2024

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for July. They begin by discussing Neptune stationing retrograde at the beginning of the month, right on the heels of the Saturn station a few days before. And with that, they note the importance of structures and borders while also recognizing the beauty of flow states and interconnectivity. With both planets in Pisces, they discuss how we're called to honor the wisdom of the water during this time. They then talk about how with Mercury, Venus, and the Sun entering Leo we're called to activate our creative and generous selves. And yet, they note that given that all three will oppose transformative Pluto, that it’s essential that we be honest, dive deep, and look below the surface for hidden treasures. In reflecting upon this, they give guidance on how to navigate what could be a volcanic time. They discuss July's lunations, starting with the New Moon in Cancer, which invites us to attune to our emotions and understand what belonging means to us. They then discuss the Full Moon in Capricorn, which happens to be the second in the past month, and how we may notice a recent evolution when it comes to our relationship with duty, responsibility, and balancing our personal and professional lives. Stephanie chooses a Tarot card at random -- the Knight of Pentacles--and Megan describes how this "slow and steady" knight can inspire us to appreciate consistency and staying the course.

Astrology & Tarot for June 2024

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for June. They talk about how the first half of the month is infused with a lot of airy, communicative, and fast-moving energy while the second half is more water, encouraging us to flow and invite in our feelings. They discuss the two cazimis happening this month, one featuring love-planet Venus and the other messenger Mercury. They note how the Gemini Moon encourages us to give structure to our ideas and the Capricorn Full Moon inspires us to work hard in honor of our home and family. They dip into the Solstice and explore what the change of seasonal energies may bring. Stephanie chooses a Tarot at random--the Seven of Cups--and Megan explains how this tarot archetype compels us to look beyond illusion and desire to find our truth.

Astrology & Tarot Insights for May 2024

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for May. They start by discussing the Pluto station at the beginning of the month and how we may experienced an amplification of themes such as vying for control, power struggles, secrets revealed, and what lies beneath the surface. They talk about the two mid-month cazimis--one involving Uranus and the other Jupiter--and why its important to stay open to new ideas and inspiration while also being careful about getting too far out over your skis. They discuss the lunations for the month, which include the sensual Taurus New Moon and social, expansive Sagittarius Full Moon. They talk about Jupiter shifting signs at month's end, from Taurus to Gemini, and what this could augur both personally and collectively. Stephanie pulls a tarot card at random--the Hierophant--and Megan explains how this archetype encourages us to share our wisdom with others as we consider our roles as spiritual beings in the world. 

Astrology & Tarot Insights for April 2024

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the dynamic celestial landscape of April. They begin by reflecting upon how we are in the midst of Eclipse Season; in addition to reviewing the Libra Lunar Eclipse that occurred in March, they focus their attention on the Aries Solar Eclipse happening early April. With this lunation joined by Chiron—a celestial body that holds the archetype of the wounded healer—they discuss how this time period may offer us an opportunity to heal old wounds while also standing in empathetic witnessing of others. They explore this month’s Mercury Retrograde, which also occurs in Aries, and how important it is to marshal patience so that we don’t push forward erratically when we can experience more holistic progress by making space and slowing down our pace. They also discuss this month’s Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction, a shake-it-up alignment that occurs about every thirteen years. This time both planets reside in Taurus (which they haven’t since 1941); and with that, we may notice how practical it can be to expand our capacity for adaptability while also discovering ways that we can redefine what security looks and feels like. Stephanie chooses a Tarot card for at random and Megan explains how this often negatively viewed card—the Ten of Swords— is actually an opportunity for transformation.  

Astrology & Tarot Insights for March 2024

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for March. They begin by discussing the New Moon in Pisces, and how, with a harmonious aspect to changing-patterns Uranus, there is the opportunity to expand our creative and spiritual horizons. They talk about the mid-month Neptune Cazimi, and how this boundary-blurring alignment may have us feeling extra sensitive and emotional. They note that the day that the Sun moves into Aries (the Vernal Equinox) messenger Mercury also comes together with the North Node in this activating sign, catalyzing communication that can fuel new inspirations. In addition to providing insights on the relationship-oriented Libra Lunar Eclipse that occurs later in the month, they offer an Eclipse Overview, so that you can move through this period of heightened energy with more awareness. Stephanie chooses the tarot card for the month at random, and surprise, surprise—it's the fiery Ace of Wands, which Megan used as an archetype earlier in the discussion to describe the Vernal Equinox. 

Astrology & Tarot Insights for February 2024

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for February. They share how with all planets now in direct motion until April 1, we have access to a stream of forward-moving energy.  They dive deep into the significance of Aquarius, given that so many planets—the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto—are in the sign of innovation, revolution, and community spirit. Megan also adds additional texture to what this sign embodies through discussing the Star card of the tarot, which is ruled by Aquarius. Given that so many planets meet up with Pluto this month, they speak to the transformative potential available, giving suggestions how to channel the unearthing and volcanic energy that it may bring. And a survey of this February wouldn’t be complete without a nod to the Sun/Mercury/Saturn triple conjunction at the end of the month that invites us to streamline our approach to information gathering and communication. Stephanie randomly selects the tarot card for February—the Eight of Cups—and Megan shares how this watery and very Piscean card encourages us to let go of our emotional past. 

Astrology & Tarot Insights for January 2024

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for January, including some big themes that will be unfolding in 2024. They discuss how with Jupiter just ending its retrograde cycle before New Year’s Eve and Mercury doing so on New Year’s Day, that we can expect to start 2024 with an abundant sense of forward movement. They explore the significance of the Lunar Nodes including how with them currently being in Aries and Libra we are collectively focused upon trying to balance our individual needs and the needs of our alliances. They discuss Pluto's continuing volley between Capricorn and Aquarius, as well as how a Pluto cazimi the third week of January beckons us to consider which structures, definitions of success, and non-sustainable approaches we are ready to let go of. Stephanie chooses a tarot card at random--the Ten of Pentacles—and Megan talks about how this abundant archetype can inspire us to cultivate security in a grounded way. 

Astrology & Tarot Insights for December 2023

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for December. They discuss the Mercury Retrograde that begins mid-month, sharing some tips on how to make the most of this moment and take advantage of the pause that it yields. With Mercury stationing direct just as January begins, and soon after expansive Jupiter does so as well, they highlight how in the transition from this year to next year, we can access bursts of energy and clarity. In addition to exploring the opportunities offered by both Neptune and Chiron as they turn direct in December, they talk about this month’s lunations: the buoyant Sagittarius New Moon and the honor-your-emotions Cancer Full Moon. An exploration of December would not be complete without an ode to the Winter Solstice and how it’s a moment to honor the cycles of life, and the juxtaposition of darkness and light. Stephanie chooses a Tarot card at random--the Page of Cups--and Megan explains how this watery mermaid can swim into our lives and open our hearts. 

Astrology & Tarot Insights for November 2023

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for November. They begin by discussing how with Saturn stationing to turn direct during the first week of the month, going slow and focusing on foundations will be quite important. In addition, the combination of Sun/Jupiter and Venus/Neptune Oppositions that week could also have us feeling like we're pulled in two different directions. They talk about the activated Scorpio New Moon, and how with an aspect to Uranus and Mars, looking at doing things in a new way may yield great benefits. They discuss the Gemini Full Moon and how with an alignment between messenger Mercury and dreamy Neptune that very day it’s important to open to our imagination and intuition as well as the power of art. Stephanie chooses the tarot card of the month at random--the Moon card. Megan discusses how its compelling presence asks us: "what is real, and what is not?" and shares why digging into your darkness can bring great illumination.  

Astrology & Tarot Insights for October 2023

In this month's episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for October. They begin by discussing how October is an Eclipse Season, featuring both a Libra Solar Eclipse and a Taurus Lunar Eclipse, and the individual and collective invitation of each. They note that like with other eclipses, we may feel a sea change occurring, but that clarity about its impacts may not be revealed for several weeks afterwards. They talk about how with Pluto stationing direct early in the month, we’re also primed to pay attention to themes of power, control, the cycles of life, and the unveiling of what’s been hidden. They point to how this deeper, mysterious, and more sultry atmosphere may become even more potent after the third week of the month as the Sun and Mercury join Mars swimming through the emotional and passionate sign of Scorpio. Stephanie picks a tarot card at random, the Five of Pentacles, and Megan explains how this card of change can lead us to transformation if we're willing to let go and trust.

Astrology & Tarot Insights for September 2023

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for September. They talk about how the month begins with an active Labor Day Weekend, as Venus Retrograde ends and Jupiter Retrograde begins. They reflect upon how with mid-month featuring both a Virgo New Moon and the completion of Mercury Retrograde, we may experience a burst of forward movement—in a discerning and precision-oriented Virgoan way—at that point. The talk about the seasonal shift that arises with the Autumnal Equinox and the beginning of Libra season. They also discuss the Full Moon in Aries and how it highlights the themes of relationship and the dance between self and others. Stephanie chooses a tarot card at random, the Four of Swords, and Megan explains how this card encourages us to step back and be patient, giving us an opportunity to catch up with ourselves. 

Astrology & Tarot Insights for August 2023

In this episode of the So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for August. They discuss how this current Venus Retrograde period (which goes through September 3) is encouraging us to re-evaluate our relationship with others, our finances, our definition of beauty, and all that we value. They talk about the mid-month Venus Cazimi and what this love-radiating invitation may inspire. They discuss how it’s a Blue Moon month with two Full Moons, one in Aquarius and the other in Pisces, bookending the month. They note how with the last week of the August featuring both Venus and Mercury Retrograde that it will be important to not force forward moment but rather to take the time to reflect and reconsider. Stephanie draws a Tarot card at random--the Two of Wands--and Megan explains how this tarot archetype provides a powerful metaphor for harnessing our power and not acting until we're truly ready to do so (which feels so aligned with the retrograde energetic with which we are currently moving).