Astrology & Tarot Insights for November 2023
In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for November. They begin by discussing how with Saturn stationing to turn direct during the first week of the month, going slow and focusing on foundations will be quite important. In addition, the combination of Sun/Jupiter and Venus/Neptune Oppositions that week could also have us feeling like we're pulled in two different directions. They talk about the activated Scorpio New Moon, and how with an aspect to Uranus and Mars, looking at doing things in a new way may yield great benefits. They discuss the Gemini Full Moon and how with an alignment between messenger Mercury and dreamy Neptune that very day it’s important to open to our imagination and intuition as well as the power of art. Stephanie chooses the tarot card of the month at random--the Moon card. Megan discusses how its compelling presence asks us: "what is real, and what is not?" and shares why digging into your darkness can bring great illumination.