Astrology & Tarot Insights for January 2024
In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for January, including some big themes that will be unfolding in 2024. They discuss how with Jupiter just ending its retrograde cycle before New Year’s Eve and Mercury doing so on New Year’s Day, that we can expect to start 2024 with an abundant sense of forward movement. They explore the significance of the Lunar Nodes including how with them currently being in Aries and Libra we are collectively focused upon trying to balance our individual needs and the needs of our alliances. They discuss Pluto's continuing volley between Capricorn and Aquarius, as well as how a Pluto cazimi the third week of January beckons us to consider which structures, definitions of success, and non-sustainable approaches we are ready to let go of. Stephanie chooses a tarot card at random--the Ten of Pentacles—and Megan talks about how this abundant archetype can inspire us to cultivate security in a grounded way.