Astrology & Tarot Insights for December 2021
In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan discuss the celestial landscape for December, beginning with an expansive Sagittarius Solar Eclipse and how it may inspire us to set goals and think big. They explore the upcoming Venus Retrograde cycle as well as Venus joining Pluto in Capricorn, emphasizing the themes of endurance and sustainability, while also unearthing what lies beneath the surface. They discuss the final round of the Saturn/Uranus Square and how it has taught us to be open to change and to be willing to let go of what is no longer working. They talk about Jupiter moving into Pisces, symbolizing a time of unity, idealism, and boundarilessness. Megan then explores the Tarot card for December--the Nine of Cups--ruled by Jupiter in Pisces, and how it encourages us to embrace happiness.